Candidates for the Assistant Professor position should hold an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree, and are expected to develop and maintain an externally funded, cutting-edge and innovative research program. The following materials are required for consideration for this position:
1- Cover Letter
2- CV
3- Past Research Accomplishments (2 pages or less)
4- Future Research Plans (3 pages or less)
5- Three Recommendation Letters
Candidates applying for Associate/Full Professor are expected to show evidence of an exceptional record of external funding, scientific achievement, and mentorship. The following materials are required for consideration for this position:
1- Cover Letter
2- Full CV
3- NIH Biosketch
4- Research Interests (3 pages or less)
5- Teaching Philosophy (2 pages or less)
6- Evidence of Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (1 page)
Note that, at a later time, finalists for this position will be asked to provide at least three letters of reference.